Monday, April 1, 2013

Feeling the Heat

My poor pet is experiencing her first heat. I don't remember my askal having as difficult a time and it's ben so long since I've had a female dog that I had to do some research to ensure we get through this phase of doggy life as comfortably as possible for both her and us.

Some facts about a dog's heat:

  • it is a cycle
    • it happens twice a year
    • usually lasts three weeks
  • will result in two kinds of discharge
    • blood - 7 to 10 days; couple of days after the latter fluids
    • pinkish/tan / lighter colored fluid - 5 to 7 days
  • means your dog can get pregnant
  • the scent of her heat will attract males (pheromones at work)
What does that mean for us, their family? It means preparations are needed since this will be three weeks worth of discharge. If your dog shares your bed (and even if they don't) a diaper will help keep the mess to a minimum. It will take some getting used to and she may try to remove it. Some people just choose to keep their pets out of the house for the entire period (if she's not a house dog).

Be prepared for your pet to be less energetic. She may be more affectionate and need more attention. She may ask for more cuddling and less play time. This is a great time to groom her and give a massage.

Another thing to watch out for is the humping. My sister's pet would hump her leg or arm. She seemed to be going nuts! She was forever trying to hump my pet (yes they are both female) whenever we visited. Thankfully this stage lasted less than a week.

Like any female with blood coming out of her, TLC is needed. I find peace and quiet soothes us both. A cool room and her brush make for a nice, relaxing afternoon. I'm just glad she dogs don't have dysmenorrhea like we humans get.

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