Saturday, February 23, 2013

On or Off The Bed?

When I brought home my puppy my hubby said, keep her off the bed. For months, she slept sprawled half on and half off her doggy bed. At one point I even worried if we got her the right size because she never quite seemed to sleep comfortably - sometimes preferring our pile of dirty clothes to her bed.

Every morning though, we would get woken up by the feel of the bed shaking as she scrabbled to get our attention; finger licks if my hand fell over the edge of the bed or little taps on my side of the bed since she couldn't reach. She'd wait very patiently til I opened my eyes. Once I did, it was bark, wiggle, wag tail, point to the door. I get it - get up and let her out.

When I'd be sitting in bed reading, she would look at me through the mirror - yes, she is a very smart dog. She would bark to get my attention -just once. Looking into those eyes, I just couldn't resist, I would pick her up - and just to avoid some argument - I would place her on a cloth that I would spread on the bed to minimize her scent on the bed clothes. Hubby would frown but he would also pet her.

Months later, she grew! She became tall enough to see over the bed. My hubby also taught her a new command which proved very useful to her - jump! End result - since Christmas, she has slept half the night in our bed. We still encourage her to sleep in her bed but you can be sure that come morning, there's a ball off fur happily squeezed in between us, greeting good morning. Yes, more than hallf the time, he calls her to go up on the bed.

Is it a bad thing? I'd say no but it is important to talk it over with your spouse / partner. Unless you want to live only with your pet, this is an item for discussion. Also, keep the pests off the bed, but the pet can stay - no one wants to sleep with ticks and mites right? Regular bathing, grooming and treatment (as needed) will make your four legged friendmore welcome to your partner.

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