Monday, April 6, 2015

If They Could Speak

Often I wonder who is training whom? I swear there are times when my fur babies would talk if they could. When I sit at the dining table and Hoshi sits properly then looks up at me with one ear slightly cocked and her nose twitching plus the puppy eyes, I know she is saying please, please, please.

My playful Ensign isn't the least bit shy in letting us know what he wants. He is quick to stand on his back paws and wave his front paws in a joyful greeting. He leans in for a cuddle and is quick to put my hand back on his fur if he wants more stroking.

There are times whenHoshi would be in the room with my life partner and he's said that she'd bark to get his attention. Once she had it, she'd do her version of talking. It's amazing! I can't get her to say human phrases though.

I found an interesting article titled What My Dog  is trying to tell me that may be of some help to new pet owners or those like me who just want to get to know their pets more. Love the pics as well as the info provided. I also found an article on 10 Translated Barks for those curious what all the barkings about.