Thursday, December 18, 2014

Birth of New Stars

Fact: Female dogs go into heat.
Fact: Dogs will find a way to mate when in heat
Fact: Best be prepared for incoming puppies if mating occurs

And that's what happened!

My little star gave birth to 4 puppies who we have named Saavik, Sulu, Shinzon and Sela.

Lessons learned from the pregnancy and birthing experience:

  • You don't need to have your dog give birth at a vet clinic. Just as long as you are prepared.
  • Your dog will tell you she's about to give birth. I swear my little star tried to talk and let us know this was it. Pay attention!
  • Have a birthing place ready for your mother to be. It's bound to get messy and she'll feel the change in temperature so a warm place with lots of clean cloth on hand is great.
  • Have a water bottle on hand. My little star got really thirsty after the birthing.
  • Have a great vet you can trust. Just in case there is an emergency, you may need help. I got lucky we had no need for one but it was reassuring that we had our vet aware and one phone call away.