Friday, October 17, 2014

Dogs in Heat

When you have dogs of different genders in the home, the period where your female pet is in heat can be quite trying. As said in Jurassic Park, "nature finds a way" or in this case, the dogs will find one in order to mate.

With the way things are progressing, the chance of my little star getting pregnant is very high. In a way, this is a good thing as the vet said she must have at least one litter to avoid certain diseases caused by "un-use or disuse". No more need for her to be spayed!

Lessons learned:

  1. A diaper will not work as a barrier. They managed to tear off the critical parts and get the deed done anyway.
  2. Separate rooms don't work. Somehow they still managed to meet up and get it done. Not to mention the scratching and whining at the doors can drive one nuts!
  3. A really crate is needed for both to keep them separate (and better pray that your fur baby isn't a smart one like mine who actually manages to open the door). Better yet, board one of them til the heat passes
  4. No use crying over spilled milk. Once the deed is done, best prepare for puppies in 60 days.