Monday, April 6, 2015

If They Could Speak

Often I wonder who is training whom? I swear there are times when my fur babies would talk if they could. When I sit at the dining table and Hoshi sits properly then looks up at me with one ear slightly cocked and her nose twitching plus the puppy eyes, I know she is saying please, please, please.

My playful Ensign isn't the least bit shy in letting us know what he wants. He is quick to stand on his back paws and wave his front paws in a joyful greeting. He leans in for a cuddle and is quick to put my hand back on his fur if he wants more stroking.

There are times whenHoshi would be in the room with my life partner and he's said that she'd bark to get his attention. Once she had it, she'd do her version of talking. It's amazing! I can't get her to say human phrases though.

I found an interesting article titled What My Dog  is trying to tell me that may be of some help to new pet owners or those like me who just want to get to know their pets more. Love the pics as well as the info provided. I also found an article on 10 Translated Barks for those curious what all the barkings about.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Giveaway from Royal Canin and Pet Express

I went to buy food for my pets today and got something for free (yes, I love freebies). I like this practical giveaway from Royal Canin and Pet Express. For every P2000 purchase with a minimum of P500 Royal Canin purchase, they give away this plastic container. Perfect storage for my fur babies food and looks cool too.

It actually has a divided tray which fits right on topof the container. My kids imediately thought it was perfect for when we go out of town with the whole family.

I don't know up to when this promotion will last but I hope everyone who has their furry friends on Royal Canin gets to have one.

Friday, March 20, 2015

My Fur Babies' Babies

Hoshi and Ensign
Almost three years ago I received a wonderful companion named Hoshi. My little star continues to delight and amaze me every day. She's so smart and utterly loving.  I can't imagine being without her anymore.

I wanted my kids to experience having their own pet and we received Ensign over a year ago. This rambunctious pup has grown into a very playful dog that definitely keeps life interesting.

My fur babies made cute babies. From these 2 came four beautiful and utterly charming fur balls.

I was able to place Shinzon with a friend I had not seen in over a decade. This pup helped us reconnect and she is providing a loving home for my Shinzon.  I hope they bring each other happiness. 

This very active furball was actually the last to find his new home. I am so glad that when I sent out the call, she responded quickly. So cute that as soon as she knew that Shinzon was going to them, they bought him everything they needed - in green.

It was apparently love at first sight for Saavik and her new partner. As you can see, she has taken over the bed. He tells me she is the best alarm clock and it is very hard to leave her everyday (boy, can I relate). We know who rules this room!

Sela and Sulu
The last two pups went to a single home. The baby of the bunch, Sela, and the strong but silent Sulu went to my sister and brother-in-law. I love how she color coordinated their designated area and equipment(purple and yellow). Their fur stands out beautifully against the vibrant colors she chose. 

The feisty Sela may be the youngest but she is utterly fierce. Sulu is the sweet one of the bunch. I love to cuddle with this boy. I am just thankful I see them during family gatherings since having them present is automatic on such occasions.
While I love these furballs the entire experience has made me think seriously about having my pup spayed. It is hard to find great homes and it can also be expensive. However I can't imagine putting my pup through surgery. I'm just thankful there are already people waiting in case my furry ones have another litter.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hunting for Loving Homes

Though they walk on four legs instead of two, my dogs are no less family than my own kids. Giving them up is hard but unfortunately, I can't keep my fur babies puppies due to space concerns. I am looking for permanent loving homes for them and so far I only have one guaranteed home at this point.

It helps that I went through the experience of getting screened as the new family for my Ensign. It gave me a guide for what things to ask and look for in the prospective new families, particularly looking at what they would feed the pup and how they would care for them.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Birth of New Stars

Fact: Female dogs go into heat.
Fact: Dogs will find a way to mate when in heat
Fact: Best be prepared for incoming puppies if mating occurs

And that's what happened!

My little star gave birth to 4 puppies who we have named Saavik, Sulu, Shinzon and Sela.

Lessons learned from the pregnancy and birthing experience:

  • You don't need to have your dog give birth at a vet clinic. Just as long as you are prepared.
  • Your dog will tell you she's about to give birth. I swear my little star tried to talk and let us know this was it. Pay attention!
  • Have a birthing place ready for your mother to be. It's bound to get messy and she'll feel the change in temperature so a warm place with lots of clean cloth on hand is great.
  • Have a water bottle on hand. My little star got really thirsty after the birthing.
  • Have a great vet you can trust. Just in case there is an emergency, you may need help. I got lucky we had no need for one but it was reassuring that we had our vet aware and one phone call away.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Dogs in Heat

When you have dogs of different genders in the home, the period where your female pet is in heat can be quite trying. As said in Jurassic Park, "nature finds a way" or in this case, the dogs will find one in order to mate.

With the way things are progressing, the chance of my little star getting pregnant is very high. In a way, this is a good thing as the vet said she must have at least one litter to avoid certain diseases caused by "un-use or disuse". No more need for her to be spayed!

Lessons learned:

  1. A diaper will not work as a barrier. They managed to tear off the critical parts and get the deed done anyway.
  2. Separate rooms don't work. Somehow they still managed to meet up and get it done. Not to mention the scratching and whining at the doors can drive one nuts!
  3. A really crate is needed for both to keep them separate (and better pray that your fur baby isn't a smart one like mine who actually manages to open the door). Better yet, board one of them til the heat passes
  4. No use crying over spilled milk. Once the deed is done, best prepare for puppies in 60 days.

Monday, May 12, 2014

At the Beach

We finally took a vacation and no way was I leaving the fur babies behind. Since we were going to the beach, I decided to do some research first. The last thing I wanted was for my dogs to get sick while we were out of town and the vet so far away.

My vet checked both of my pets over and said both were ready to travel since they had all their shots and we were going by land. We made sure we had their food and water (the place we were going to used well water so we figured better to use bottled water). They had their own suitcase of paraphernalia! Here's what I found we really needed:

  • Food and water bowls - they feel better with their familiar bowls
  • Fresh water - salt water is definitely bad for them if swallowed (which happens when they swim). Better have fresh water on hand to help them wash it out and keep them from dehydrating
  • Water dispenser - this is a handy way of keeping sand away from the water.
  • Towels - the fur babies get cold after swimming and the heat of the sun doesn't always dry them fast enough. Like after a bath at home, rub them down. 
  • Shampoo/Soap - Be prepared to give them a bath as soon as you get back to the beach house or hotel and help them get the sand out.
  • Beach toys - a stick is fine but a frisbee is always fun for a dog that loves to jump and catch and fetch.
I love that my pups both went in and swam but my little star did not like the salt water much. My Ensign was more inclined to play tag with the waves and swim back and forth between those of us swimming. Once they got out, they found spots in the shade of the overhang and went to sleep til it was time to eat lunch.